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2016-03-21  来源:天气万年历  【字体:  



April fool's day started in France. In 1564, French first adopted new reform dating method (i.e. gm now - Gregorian the Gregorian calendar), to January 1 as the beginning of the year. But some stodgy people opposed the reform in accordance with the old and still stubbornly, on April 1, this gift one day, celebrate the New Year. Advocates of reform to these conservative person mocks lavishly. Clever funny people on 1st April, will give them false gift, invited them to false conference. And the cheated conservatives called "April fool" or "the bait fish". From now on people in the April 1, as France and mutual fooled, the custom of fashion. 18 century, April fool's day, then to British customs by Britain's early settlers brought to the United States.

愚人节起源于法国。 1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人在4月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩 的鱼”。从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗 传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。

Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One common trick on April Fool's Day, or All Fool's Day, is pointing down to a friend's shoe and saying, Your shoelace is untied. School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke the prankster yells, April Fool!


Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The most clever April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played. American humorist Mark Twain has said that the first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.






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