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关于晚安的英文句子 唯美的晚安英文句子简短

2024-01-16  来源:天气万年历  【字体:  


关于晚安的英文句子 唯美的晚安英文句子简短



1、对于世界而言,你是一个人。但是对于爱你的人而言,你就是他的整个世界。To the world you may be one person.But to the one who loves you,you may be the world to him.

2、总有一天,你会站在最亮的地方,活成自己曾经渴望的模样。One day,you will stand in the brightest place,live as you once wanted.

3、累了,就换条路走。人生千万种可能,选择哪一种,都是最好的安排。When you get tired,take another road.Life is a million possibilities,choose which one,is the best arrangement.

4、幸福如人饮水,冷暖自知,你的幸福,不在别人眼里,而在自己心里。Happiness is like drinking water,lengnuanzizhi,your happiness,not in the eyes of others,but in their own hearts.

5、以后你就会知道,生活中真的没有几件事情是值得我们搭上礼貌,教养,人品和格局的。As you will see later,there are very few things in life that are worthy of our respect,education,character,and structure.

6、生命只有一次,用尽全力,去做你想做的事,去成为你想成为的人。You only have one life.Do what you want to do and be what you want to be.

7、屏幕前的你,此后是平庸,是绚丽,是惊世,是落魄,是风是雨,我都祝福你。Before the screen you,hereafter is mediocre,is gorgeous,is amazing,is down and out,is the wind is the rain,I bless you.

8、原来人可以度过最无望的日子,抖落身上的灰雨,重披一声星光。The original people can spend the most hopeless days,shake off the body of the grey rain,a star again.

9、天空不总是晴朗,阳光不总是闪耀,所以偶尔情绪崩溃,也无伤大雅。The sky isn't always clear and the sun doesn't always shine,so it doesn't hurt to have an occasional emotional breakdown.

10、把身体照顾好,把喜欢的事做好,把重要的人待好,你要的一切都在路上。Take care of your body,do what you love,treat the important people well,everything you want is on the way.

关于晚安的英文句子 唯美的晚安英文句子简短



1、一定要为自己憧憬的那些事物努力一下,哪怕这力量微不足道,哪怕岁月迢迢。Must look forward to those things for their own efforts,even if this force is insignificant,even if the years of time.

2、一念花开,一念花落,这山长水远的人世,终究是要自己走下去。Read a flower,read a flower fall,the mountain long water far away from the world,is ultimately to go on their own.

3、我们总以为,是生活欠我们一个“满意”。其实,是我们欠生活一个“努力”。We always think that life owes us a“satisfaction”.In fact,we owe life a“hard”.

4、不要刻意的去遇见谁,也不要急于拥有谁,更不勉强的去留住谁。一切都顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人。Don't deliberately to meet who,also don't be eager to have who,more reluctant to retain who.Everything will be as it is,the best for the last person.

5、晚上睡觉前,在枕头下面放上几颗糖果,听说这样会做一个甜甜的美梦哦!晚安!Before going to bed at night,put a few candies under the pillow,I heard that this will do a sweet dream!Good night!

6、如果你今天不开心的话,那要不要来我甜甜的梦里治愈一下。晚安!If you are not happy today,then do not come to my sweet dream to heal.Good night!

7、今天这皎洁的月光和满天的星辰都归你,而我也归你。晚安!Today the bright moon and the stars are yours,and I am yours.Good night!

8、我今天的可爱已打烊,晚安!My lovely today has closed,good night!

9、说了晚安就要乖乖睡觉了哦,我们要做诚实的小朋友。晚安!Said good night will obediently go to bed,oh,we want to be honest children.Good night!

10、早点睡哦,你看月亮和星星都已经睡着啦,晚安!Go to bed early Oh,you see the moon and the stars have fallen asleep,good night!





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