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晚安的高级英语表达方式 英语晚安句子高级文案

2024-01-16  来源:天气万年历  【字体:  


晚安的高级英语表达方式 英语晚安句子高级文案



1、自己喜欢的东西,就不要再征询他人意见了,人生这点责任,自己负。The thing that oneself like,do not ask the opinion of others again,life this responsibility,oneself are responsible for.

2、有时候想想,最大的悲哀莫过于长大。从此,笑不再纯粹,哭不再彻底。Sometimes think,the greatest sorrow than grow up.From now on,laugh no longer dinkum,cry no longer thoroughly.

3、很久以后才知道,原来和有些人最好的结局,就是互相杳无音信。It was a long time before I found out that the best outcome for me and some people was to never hear from each other.

4、我以为只要很认真的喜欢就能打动一个人,到后来,却只打动了我自己。I think as long as the very serious like can move a person,to the later,but only moved me.

5、如果要给美好的人生一个定义,那就是惬意。如果要给惬意一个定义,那就是三五知己,谈笑风生。If you want to give a definition of a good life,it is comfortable.If you want to give a definition of comfortable,that is friends,laughing.

6、春风十里,不及相遇有你;晴空万里,不及心中有你。Spring breeze ten miles,less than meet you;The sky is not so clear as you are in my heart.

7、温柔要有,但不是妥协,我们要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强。Gentle to have,but not compromise,we have to be in a quiet,unhurried strong.

8、不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往,如此,安好。Not confused in the heart,not trapped in love,not afraid of the future,do not read the past,so,well.

9、我们来不及认真年轻,待明白过来,只能选择认真老去。We have no time to seriously young,to understand,can only choose to seriously old.

10、愿你忠于自己,活得认真;笑得放肆,走也走的潇洒,过去那些走过的路,丢掉的人,撕裂的往事,别回头就好。May you be true to yourself,live seriously;Laugh presumptuous,go also go natural and unrestrained,in the past those who have walked the road,lost people,torn the past,do not look back.

晚安的高级英语表达方式 英语晚安句子高级文案



1、春有春的温暖,夏有夏的火热,秋有秋的收获,冬有冬的寒冷,学会享受生活!Spring has the warmth of spring,summer has the heat of summer,autumn has the harvest of autumn,winter has the cold of winter,learn to enjoy life!

2、无论做什么,不管想什么,初心是什么,结果得到什么,你都要善良,一如既往。No matter what you do,no matter what you think,no matter what your original intention is,no matter what you get,you should be kind as always.

3、请一定要有自信,你就是一道风景,没必要在别人的风景里面仰视。Please be confident,you are a scenery,there is no need to look up in the scenery of others.

4、所谓的诗和远方,不过是,要把眼前的苟且,熬过了才有。The so-called poetry and the distance,but,to the present ignomore,endure only then.

5、青春,是与七个自己相遇:一个明媚,一个忧伤,一个华丽,一个冒险,一个倔强,一个柔软,最后那个正在成长。Youth,is to meet with seven of their own:a bright,a sad,a gorgeous,an adventure,a stubborn,a soft,the last one is growing.

6、越长大越明白:一家人整整齐齐,健健康康,快快乐乐在一起就很好了。The more I grow up,the more I understand:a family is neat,healthy and happy together.

7、幸福不会遗漏任何人,它永远都在路上,迟早有一天会找到你。Happiness will not miss anyone,it is always on the road,sooner or later will find you.

8、愿你能做自己的太阳,与山川湖海为伴,自信勇敢,保持善良与纯真。May you be your own sun,with mountains,lakes and sea,confident and brave,and keep kind and pure.

9、哪来的那么多好运气,所谓好运气,不过是实力强大到不惧怕任何坏运气。Where so much good luck,the so-called good luck,but is strong enough not to fear any bad luck.

10、每座城市,大概都因为有了个特别的人,才赋予了它不平凡的意义。Every city,probably because of a special person,only to give it extraordinary significance.





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