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2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么

2021-06-04  来源:天气万年历  【字体:  



2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么


2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么


2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么




  The Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded on July 1, 1921 in Shanghai, China. After 28 years of struggle, the CPC finally won victory of “new-democratic revolution” and founded the People's Republic of China in 1949. The CPC is the ruling party of mainland China (P.R. China).

  The Communist Party of China is founded mainly on ideology and politics. The CPC derives its ideas and policies from the people's concentrated will and then turns that will into State laws and decisions which are passed by the National People's Congress of China through the State's legal procedures. Theoretically, CPC does not take the place of the government in the State's leadership system. The Party conducts its activities within the framework of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the law and has no right to transcend the Constitution and the law. All Party members, like all citizens in the country, are equal before the law.

  The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, held in December 1978, decided to shift the focus of the Party's work to socialist modernization and set a policy of reform and opening up to the outside world.

2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么


  Any Chinese who has reached the age of 18, accepts the Party's Program and Constitution and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party organizations, carry out the Party's decisions and pay membership dues regularly, may apply for membership of the CPC. Its membership increased from 70 in 1921 to over 66 million in 2002.

  The highest leading body of the Party is the National Congress and the Central Committee elected by it. The National Congress of the Party is held once every five years and convened by the Central Committee.

  The General Information

  Date of Establishment: July 1, 1921 Place of Establishment: Shanghai General Secretary of the Central Committee: Hu Jintao (Elected in 16th Party National Congress)


  "July 1" as the party's birthday, the first is found in the central file in June 1941. At that time, the central committee of the communist party of China issued "on the fourth anniversary of the start of the 20th anniversary of the war of resistance to commemorate the birth of the communist party of China instruction". Instructions said: "the July 1 this year is the 20th anniversary of the communist party of China, July 7th is the fourth anniversary of China's Anti-Japanese War, the anti-japanese base areas should be convened meetings respectively, take various measures for a memorial, and in a variety of publication issue or special". On behalf of the central committee of the communist party of China's "July 1" as the party's birthday to commemorate the first file.

2021建党100周年英语手抄报 建党节英语手抄报内容写什么


  Since then, the activities of the party began to held to commemorate the party's birthday on a large scale. That year on July 1, the central committee of the communist party mouthpiece the liberation daily (May 16, 1941) published the 20th anniversary of the communist party of China special, published titled "to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the communist party of China" editorial, also published written by zhu DE "the Chinese communist party and the revolutionary war, Lin boqu, written by the Chinese communist party and the regime", wu yuzhang wrote, "I and the communist party," such as honor. After previously, the paper also reports the yenan commemorate the birth of the party and government organs and people's organizations held the 20th anniversary of the activity. In the same year on July 1, chongqing xinhua daily have published an editorial commemorate the birth of the party.

  From then on, "July 1" as the party's birthday. Every year on July 1, the whole party to celebrate the party's birth day. As comrade liu shaoqi say: "this is the most important anniversary, our party is also the Chinese people, the Chinese nation is the most important day."




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