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万圣节的习俗英文 万圣节的习俗介绍英汉两版

2018-10-17  来源:天气万年历  【字体:  


万圣节的习俗英文 万圣节的习俗介绍英汉两版

万圣节的习俗英文 万圣节的习俗介绍英汉两版

南瓜灯 Jack-o’-lantern

Families in Britain buy pumpkins in stores and supermarkets every Halloween to carve Jack-o’-lanterns. The pumpkins are transformed into spooky (诡异的、可怕的) faces and are lit up by candles placed inside. The origin of this practice (习俗) has many versions, most of which revolve around a man called ‘Stingy Jack’ who roams the earth aimlessly (漫无目的地) carrying a pumpkin lantern because of his ill nature.


咬苹果 Apple bobbing

Have you read Agatha Christie’s detective novel Hallowe’en Party? If so, you might know this popular Halloween activity called ‘apple bobbing’. In the game, competitors catch apples with their teeth from a large bucket or basin of water. Whoever catches the first apple wins.


万圣节的习俗英文 万圣节的习俗介绍英汉两版

不给糖果就捣蛋 Trick-or-treating

Trick or treating is a special Halloween tradition. Children in scary costumes walk around the neighbourhood (邻近的街区,住宅区) and knock on doors saying ‘trick or treat’. They can get a lot of candy by the end of the day. People usually prepare sweets before the day; otherwise the kids might play a trick (开玩笑,搞恶作剧) on them.

“不给糖就捣蛋”是一项特殊的万圣节传统活动。孩子们会换上可怕的服饰,在家附近的街区内敲响别人家的门,同时喊“不给糖就捣鬼 trick or treat”这句话。人们常常在万圣节前就准备好糖果,因为如果被敲开门又不给糖吃的话,孩子们就有可能给你搞恶作剧。

It is a happy festival for children. But at the same time, there is a more sinister (阴险的) side to Halloween.


化妆晚会 Fancy dress party


Halloween is probably our busiest time of year, so we've been preparing for it for about a month now, ordering stuff in. We've got extra make-up (化妆品), blood (血), vomit (呕吐物), pus (化脓的伤口), slime (粘液), all the usual things. The masks (面具) are just an arrangement of scary things: werewolves (狼人), skulls (骷髅头), scary clowns (恐怖的小丑) – pretty much sold out – the red devil (恶魔), very popular. The thing that has been really selling this year is our zombie kit (僵尸套装). Another big seller (畅销商品) is vampire fangs (吸血鬼的尖牙), very big.


万圣节的习俗英文 万圣节的习俗介绍英汉两版


October 31 each year is Halloween (Halloween), also known as Halloween, Halloween pumpkins on this day every family will be lifted to a child lights and unlimited distribution of sweets, Halloween is the children and therefore their favorite festivals. The origin of Halloween is the five hundred years before Christ, when, living in Ireland, Scotland and other places it is believed that the spirits will be October 31 during the lifetime of the day return to place of residence, and the living creatures who seek to obtain regeneration opportunities. People worry that the ghost to seize their own lives, so when October 31 comes, will all the lights put out, making the ghost could not find the living, people would look like dressed up as ghosts and goblins to scare away the ghosts.

As time goes by, the meaning of Halloween has become contained by means of celebration. So now a symbol of Halloween monsters and pictures, have become a lovely and looks like trivial, such as pumpkin monsters, witches and so on. Americans love their creativity, while doing all it can on this day will be its own kind of ghosts dressed ghost mode, so that Halloween has become more interesting.

Halloween On this day, the United States will host Halloween carnival will be everywhere, and the streets can be seen everywhere exciting live performances, stage magic illusion staged, realistic corpse and the ghost tour, and all kinds of horror films will be shown. In the evening, we rush to rack up spider silk, and then to help the actors responsible for the scary makeup. Haunted house of the content, mostly related to the subject matter of the film, such as: The Mummy, The Chronicles of Riddick, ghost stories ... the arrangement of these scenes, make-up techniques and costumes, like a real situation, a moment's inattention and unquestionably Scream .


With regard to Halloween, people are more or less have a certain amount of emotional awareness: know that Halloween, many public places, and even at home courtyard, will be arranged in many decoration, such as the various types of ghosts ah, pumpkin lights Yeah, there are black as well as the witch's broom and the like; kids wearing different Halloween costumes every year, carrying a basket to put pumpkin lights from house to house to discuss sugar, said to be "trick or treak". In addition, you want to know more about some? Here we briefly outline the origins and customs of Halloween.




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